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HomePoliticsED Has Transformed Zanu PF Into A Political Machine: Chinamasa

ED Has Transformed Zanu PF Into A Political Machine: Chinamasa

Acting Zanu PF national political commissar, Patrick Chinamasa has reiterated that President Emmerson Mnangagwa is the party’s sole candidate for the 2023 presidential elections.

Addressing journalists during his inaugural press conference as commissar, Chinamasa heaped praise on Mnangagwa saying his achievements have transformed the party into a political machine.

“The President and first secretary of Zanu PF Cde E.D Mnangagwa has been, since assuming the high office in the second Republic and under our very own eyes taken head on the transformation of our economy in a manner none of us believed would be possible in such a short time.

“The positive direction is very clear. His Excellency’s achievements have transformed Zanu PF into a juggernaut political machine, steamrolling and unstoppable towards electoral victory in 2023. It is on the strength of these achievements that Zanu PF through many conference resolutions resolved that Cde E.D Mnangagwa is our sole presidential candidate come 2023 harmonised elections.

“Cde E.D Mnangagwa must continue and complete the good work that he started from the commencement of the new dispensation. All indications point to the fact that Zanu PFR’s political campaign to win the 2023 presidential and legislative harmonised elections is powerful, overwhelming, dominant and unstoppable,” said Chinamasa.

In a diatribe aimed at opposition MDC Alliance, the former Finance Minister said the ruling party was now geared for the 2023 harmonised elections.

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“The revolutionary party is geared to fulfil its revolutionary mandate and throw the sanctions seekers, the anti-people political charlatans, the anti-land redistribution counter revolutionaries into the dustbins of history.

“National sovereignty is not negotiable. Zanu is and will remain a people centred party and imbedded in all society that is a historical reality and that is Zanu PF’s political argument and we make no apologies for this to anyone,” he said.

Chinamasa was flanked by outgoing political commissars Victor Matemadanda, Webster Shamu and Engelbert Rugeje.

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