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Home2018 Elections‘Biased’ and ‘Incompetent’ ZEC Must Be Disbanded: MDC Alliance

‘Biased’ and ‘Incompetent’ ZEC Must Be Disbanded: MDC Alliance


Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Alliance has called for the disbanding of the current Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) saying the body is incompetent, subjective and biased in favour of the ruling Zanu PF.

MDC Alliance principal and aspiring candidate for Harare East constituency, Tendai Biti, accused ZEC of lying and seeking to reinvent the word ‘lie’ following his party’s problems in accessing the voters roll ahead of the July 30 harmonised elections.

 “The current Election Management body, ZEC must rank as the most subjective, most biased and most incompetent in the history of elections in Zimbabwe.

“Above all, this is a body that lies and is reinventing the word “lie”. This body must be disbanded forthwith,” said Biti. 

MDC Alliance Chief Election Agent, Jameson Timba who went to ZEC to collect the voters roll on behalf Nelson Chamisa was upset at being advised to collect the copy of the roll after two days.

“To my utter shock I was asked to fill in a form and come back in 48 hours to collect it.

“Surprisingly a copy was given to a foreign government whose nationals are not on our roll and do not vote in our elections. Surely logic says priority for distribution of the National roll should have been given to the 23 Zimbabweans who will be contesting for the presidency,” said Timba.

ALSO ON 263Chat:  ZEC Confirms Shambolic State of the Voters Roll

Zimbabwe Democracy Institute (ZDI) director, Dr Pedzisai Ruhanya accused ZEC of being captured by the ruling Zanu PF and the military.

“Justice Priscila Chigumba, the chair of ZEC is a disgrace and captured by ZANU PF or military. It should be noted that Zimbos won’t swallow a cooked and manufactured electoral process and outcome designed to legitimised unrepentant electoral thieves,” said Ruhanya.

The issue of the voters roll is currently the contentious issue in Zimbabwe with opposition parties accusing ZEC of seeking to rig elections through manipulation of the voters register.

Revelations by the British embassy that they were served with the searchable national voter’s roll having in a matter of couple of hours have only worsened things as the opposition now accuse ZEC of prioritizing foreign diplomats at the expense of contesting candidates.


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