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HomeNewsBiti In State Capture Claims Against Aleshina

Biti In State Capture Claims Against Aleshina

Harare East legislator and constitutional lawyer Tendai Biti has accused Pokugara Properties chief operations officer Tatiana Aleshina of abusing state institutions to fight her opponents and protect her interests.

Biti made the claims at the Harare magistrates’ courts where he was appearing before regional Magistrate Vongai Guwuriro Muchuchuti on allegations of assaulting Aleshina outside the court premises in November 2020.

Biti is seeking referral of the matter to the Constitutional Court.

The legislator cited several incidences where the complainant, Aleshina had flexed her muscles to show power and influence.

“It’s sad that the first issue I have is the clear blatant abuse of the Office of the President, the highest office in the land and this name calling is an abuse to the state institutions. How on earth is someone safe? That’s why my application is important.

“This name calling is an abuse of our institutions and the impression that is sought to be conveyed is ‘I am powerful that the President is with me, The highest office is with me’ and your worship, how can anyone possibly be safe with such an individual, that’s why I said your worship you should feel pity for me and that my application for protection by way of referral to the Constitutional Court is right,” said Biti

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He narrated how through letters Aleshina has influence in state institutions.

“The documents in the record illustrate that abuse of power by the complainant, what I called State Capture, the documents will speak for themselves,” he said

Biti said the Pokugara Properties officer was also instrumental in the arrest of Roy Nyabvure a key State witness in the perjury case involving Pokugara Properties.

He was arrested at the Harare Magistrate Court three weeks ago on criminal abuse of office charges.

He is alleged to have fraudulently approved architectural plans belonging to land developer George Katsimberis during his time as City of Harare chief building inspector.

Katsimberis is embroiled in a bitter legal dispute with Pokugara Properties properietor Kenneth Sharpe.

Nyabvure a 70 year war veteran has been denied bail by Harare Magistrates Taurai Manuwere.

Biti returns to Court on December 15 with prosecutor Michael Reza cross examining.

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