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HomeNewsCCC Accuses NPRC of Ignoring Violence Claims

CCC Accuses NPRC of Ignoring Violence Claims


In a scathing critique, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has strongly condemned the National Peace and Reconciliation Commissioners (NPRC), accusing them of turning a blind eye to the violence perpetrated against CCC supporters by members of Zanu PF.

The CCC’s Youth Spokesperson, Stephen Chuma, described the Commissioners as clueless individuals who were neglecting their responsibilities.

These remarks were made in response to statements made by NPRC Spokesperson Obert Gutu, who claimed that they were unaware of the violence endured by CCC supporters and the ongoing threats they face. The comments from both sides were delivered following a facilitated engagement organized by 4H Zimbabwe, which brought together representatives from Zanu PF, MDC, CCC, and senior journalists, including editors in Harare.

Gutu defended the NPRC’s position, stating, “If there are people with complaints, they should approach us because we cannot be approaching people on the streets to find their grievances. If we do not receive any reports, we cannot speculate on what might be happening. We do not engage in a witch-hunt for complaints.”

In response to Gutu’s remarks, Chuma expressed his discontent, asserting, “Gutu is not being sincere. One of their primary duties is to identify situations of conflict and bring people together. If he is waiting for political parties to approach them, then he is neglecting his duty.”

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Chuma further emphasized, “We have genuine and serious issues in this country, where we have witnessed a Zanu PF candidate brandishing guns at CCC officials, yet the NPRC remains silent. We had the case of Ncube’s murder, where the NPRC was present, but again, silence prevailed. These incidents have been widely covered in the media. Does this mean that these Commissioners do not read newspapers? If so, it exposes their incompetence.”

The CCC has faced numerous obstacles during its campaign efforts, with State Security agencies preventing them from holding rallies on four separate occasions. Additionally, several CCC supporters have been unjustly imprisoned on trumped-up charges, as highlighted by Human Rights Defenders (HRDs). Job Sikhala, a prominent member of the party, has spent over a year incarcerated at Chikurubi Maximum Prison while still awaiting trial.

According to a report by the local Civic Society Organization (CSO) Heal Zimbabwe Trust (HZT), CCC members in rural areas have also endured constant threats from Zanu PF members, FAZ, and traditional leaders.

The allegations made by the CCC against the NPRC raise concerns about the effectiveness and impartiality of the reconciliation commission. As Zimbabwe approaches its crucial elections, it is imperative that all acts of violence and intimidation are thoroughly addressed, and the NPRC fulfils its mandate to foster peace, reconciliation, and justice for all citizens.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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