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HomeEntertainmentCelebrity Makeup Artist Breaks Silence On Husband’s Murder Allegations

Celebrity Makeup Artist Breaks Silence On Husband’s Murder Allegations

Celebrity makeup artist Deliwe Mutandiro has broken silence on reports that she was arrested as a suspect in her husband Tawanda Gregory Bobo’s murder.

Deliwe and her sister Debra were reportedly arrested after they were accused of masterminding the death of the former’s husband to make it look like he had committed suicide.

According to the police report, the body of   Bobo was found dangling from a guava tree at his Greendale house on Saturday.

The body of the now deceased reportedly had two neck-ties and a pair of trousers, soiled with faeces, was found near a garbage pit in the backyard.

The overwhelming amount of evidence found at the scene prompted the police to suspect foul play.

However, in a statement, the duo’s legal representative has dismissed reports of the two ever getting arrested, charged or expected to appear in court as reported by some publications.

The statement reads;



We were instructed to issue this brief public statement by our above named Dellwe & Debra Mutandiro so as to set the record straight. This is however not a response to each and every false allegation that has been said against them. Such is not necessary at this instance.

Our clients have noted with great concern and sadness, the various false, one sided, inaccurate stories/allegations circulating on social media and in the mainstream print and electronic media; wherein they have been wrongly and falsely accused of committing a heinous crime of murder and many other distasteful acts. Some even went as far as falsely reporting that our clients had been arrested, charged with murder and were expected to appear at court earlier today.

It was never our client’s Intention to issue this public statement during their grieving but they found themselves compelled to do so In light of the above, deliberate disinformation and false narrative which is being advanced through social media.

We are instructed to briefly set the record straight as follows;

1. Our clients were never arrested, detained or charged with murder or any other offense. They never committed any offense In the various manners alleged or at all. The police have never treated them or any other person as accused persons as yet but were only invited for interviewing as part of due process.

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2. The police swiftly and diligently attend. to the scene after they were informed. about the death of the now deceased on Saturday morning 25th of June 2022.

3. Due to the circumstances surrounding the death, the police had to and indeed open. a SUDDEN DEATH DOCKET in anticipation of subsequent Ingo. Hearing Proceedings. Due process had to be followed. Procedurally, our client and other people were consequently invited to the police station; first for Interviewing since they were some of the people who were with, at the residential property (14 in total on the night in question) and had interacted with the now deceased. In the few hours preceding his sad demise. They had to tell the police what they knew to have happened In a bid to unravel the mystery surrounding the death of Deliwe’s husband. Our clients have been going to the police (Rhodesville Police Station and CID Homicide — Harare Central) and fully cooperating with the law enforcement agencies since Saturday the 25th of June 2022 to date. For the record they are not the only ones who have been participating in these processes, some neighbours, residents at the same property, relatives and friends were also called and interviewed by the police.

4. Our clients together with other people were subsequently recorded statements yesterday, Monday 27th of June 2022 at CID Homicide — Harare Central.

5. Earlier today (Tuesday 28th of June 2022) our clients together with other relatives went to Parirenyatwa Hospital where a post-mortem by a suitably qualified practitioner was conducted to ascertain the possible cause of the now deceased’s death.

6. Our clients, ourselves and the now deceased’s other relatives were later Invit. back to the police (CID Homicide) and the ‘findings’ of the post-mortem were communicated to us pending the availing of the fonnal result by the doctor who conducted same.

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7. The police were extremely helpful to all parties. They went out of their way and explained the meaning of the mentioned possible cause of death as was stated to them by the doctor who conducted the post-mortem such that everyone left the police station with a clear appreciation of the situation at hand. We believe the police will at the appropriate time communicate to the public the possible cause of death (according to the post-mortem) since this case has attracted widespread national Interest and unusual speculation on various social media platforms

8. The police will communicate to us and the general public any further developments as they continue with their investigations.

9. In the meantime, we are instructed to humbly plead with especially members of the general public (including some social media influencers) to desist from writing or sharing false, unsubstantiated accusations against our clients as this is insensitive, irresponsible, may amount to defamation, a violation of our laws and an infringement on our client’s rights. We implore everyone who us. social media to act responsibly, without malice and to be patient with the investigations process. Let us all allow due process to be followed as police have been diligently interrogating all accusations, possibilities so as to exclude others to get to the bottom of what could have happened. in casu. Never jump into premature conclusions and do not take everything you read on social media as the gospel truth.

10. We have, in the interim, advised our client not to comment on the various allegations against them appealing on social media notwithstanding the fact that the court of public opinion seems to have already convicted them pending finalisation of investigations.

11. Last but not least, our clients greatly appreciate the heartfelt condolence messages and support from some of you (friends and relatives included) during these very difficult times. They now wish to focus on grieving Deliwe’s husband.  Kindly afford them the space to grieve and not be insensitive nor needlessly inhuman.

D.MTHOMBENI (Legal Counsel)
For & on behalf of Deliwe and Debra Mutandlro

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