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HomeNewsConsumers Welcome Change Coupons

Consumers Welcome Change Coupons

Consumers have welcomed retailers’ move to introduce change coupons to address the scarcity of small denominated United States dollar notes and coins.

The shortage of US$1 notes and coins has since the legalization of multi-currency forced consumers to buy unwanted products such as sweets, pens and snacks among other small items.

In a survey carried out by 263Chat around main supermarkets in the Central Business District (CBD) of Harare, consumers were signaling a warm reception for this initiative which they said saves them the headache of getting change.

“We welcome this move, it chips in as a better alternative to a situation where you are forced to use up all your money on this unnecessary commodities,” said Takunda Muyambo who was returning a US$0.50 coupon for use at Food World

Another consumer Fadzai Magana said the introduction of change coupons will protect them from unscrupulous retailers who were cashing in on customers who would be forced to buy things they would not have budgeted for.

“It’s a good idea, my money is scattered everywhere, sometimes I even forget and they get away with it. Right now I have US$4  at butchery store and another US$3 at a grocery shop,” said Magana.

She added, “I’m actually hoping that I will use these US$0.50 coupons for my transport because there is no stable rate, people are just picking whatever rate that suits them on giving back change in local currency.”

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Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers Association (CZRA) president Denford Mutashu said they had noted this development and observed that consumers are leaning towards coupons due to rate disparities.

“The coupons are equivalent in value to the USD hence consumers are opting for those instead of the local currency which trades at the formal exchange rate of US$1 – ZWL82,” said Mutashu.

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