Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNews‘Delivered’ Baby Excretes 15cm long Plastic

‘Delivered’ Baby Excretes 15cm long Plastic

Kuwadzana based Apostle Joshua Gambe, left his congregants in shock after a four year old baby he prayed for excreted a 15 centimeter long plastic following a week of prayers.

According to the mother of the child who could not be named, her daughter had stomach pains for two years until she decided to take her to church where she was given anointing water and oil by Apostle Gambe.

In a 3 minute long testimony video recorded at her church, the mother said after going home she used the anointing water and oil on her child before she excreted a plastic.

“My daughter had stomach problems for two years and the condition was severe in the sense that she could hardly eat well even lighter things like yoghurt.

“I actually thought she was suffering from hernia but I came to understand that it affects boys hence my decision to bring her to church.

“Each time she showed signs of pain I would spray the anointing water on her; and it was last Sunday when we were preparing to come to church when she excreted a plastic,” she said.

The visibly ecstatic mother said a week has passed since her daughter excreted the plastic adding that she is could now eat properly.

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“I want to thank God because it’s now a week after the incident and my daughter is now eating like any normal child,” she said

This incident comes barely a month after Joshua Gambe of Harvest Family International Ministries turned water into wine, leaving some of his congregants highly intoxicated during a church service.

After the miracle (turning water into wine), Gambe was heavily criticized with many questioning whether he is a true man of God?

Generally some people argue that preachers like Gambe are attention seeking and are after money as opposed to saving the souls.

While others believe that preachers like him are sent from God, pointing out that God is still doing what he did in the bible days.

Apostle Joshua Gambe began his ministry in Kuwadzana Extension two years ago and concentrates on Healing, Deliverance, preaching and Prophesy.



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