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HomeNewsPetition To Freeze Uebert Angel’s Assets Hits 9000 Signatures

Petition To Freeze Uebert Angel’s Assets Hits 9000 Signatures

A petition lobbying the United Kingdom government to freeze controversial cleric Uebert Angel’s assets has hit 9000 signatures.

The petition, which was started by one Cathy Fikile Tshezi, is targeting 10 000 signatures.

Tshezi argues that the airing of the explosive Al Jazeera documentary, Gold Mafia, which exposed Angel as part of a criminal syndicate that smuggles gold out of the country, deems the man of cloth’s assets ill-gotten wealth.

“It has been identified in a documentary carried out by Aljazeera that the Zimbabwean President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, appointed Hubert Angel ( self proclaimed businessman and Prophet who preaches the gospel) as Zimbabwe Ambassador for Europe and America. It has surfaced in the documentary where there were undercover journalists who purportedly to be from China and wanted gold.

“The President of Mines Henrietta Rushwaya ( Emmerson Mnangagwa’s niece) and Hubert Angel have been involved in money laundering and smuggling gold out of Zimbabwe to Dubia. There’s other nationalities involved in this cartel. As a Zimbabweans we strongly believe that all assests in the United Kingdom that belong to Hubert Angel should be frozen as there’s is evidence that they were acquired illegal. Please help us by signing this petition as Zimbabwe’s economy has collapsed due to the actions of the selfish and greedy people in power,” reads part of the petition.

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Meanwhile, Angel has since broken his silence in a 23-pointed article, saying he was just playing along, assessing the genuineness of the purported investors, who later turned out to be undercover Al Jazeera journalists.

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  • They have to freeze it because millions are suffering because of that guy

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