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HomeGuest BlogDexter Nduna Continues To Make Waves In National Politics

Dexter Nduna Continues To Make Waves In National Politics

He is soft spoken, but his work and actions speak louder than his voice.

That best describes ZANU PF MP Dexter Nduna, who has changed the face of Chegutu and is making waves in national politics.

Several motions in the National Assembly, if not more than one third of the most important ones, are attributed to Nduna.

For instance, it was him who introduced the motion for school feeding programme advocacy which has since been rolled out throughout the country.

The motion to spruce up the liberation war shrines in and outside Zimbabwe was also brought up for debate by the Chegutu West legislator.

The Special Economic Zones motion that caused the establishment of the bill and Act on the SEZs was also brought up in the National Assembly by him.

Other motions he moved include one which saw more than 3 000 artisanal miners being released on amnesty in 2016 as well as the call for the repeal of the Mines and Mineral Act, which Act is now on second reading.

The recently elected central committee member was also the brains behind the motion calling for the establishment of the exploration of the country’s resources and the quantification of minerals.

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He also called in another motion the harmonisation of the Lands and Minerals Act to make sure that the 2000 land reform is not reversed.

The former ZANU PF Mashonaland West deputy chairperson called for removal of duty on buses and since 2016 government has been charging 5% duty on buses importation

On the transport issue, Nduna also called for establishment of accident victims stabilisation centres at toll gates. This was after he lost two of his children in a road traffic accident along the Bulawayo-Harare highway due to late medical attention and none availability of medical attention within the golden hour after the accident.

In his submissions in the Eighth Parliament as the transport portfolio committee chairman he said he did not wish what happened to him to happen to any other man as this was a painful experience and would work hard to get the 12.5 percent remittances to traffic safety council from third party insurance to help accident victims both bereaved and injured.

Nduna has built a world class accident victims stabilisation centre in Chegutu along the Bulawayo-Harare Road at Surisuri Airbase turnoff, 200m off the highway using community initiative where each house brought bricks and the legislator bought everything else using his own resources.

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He is currently pushing the government to clear the national housing backlog of 2.6m houses.

He called on conversion of gold and platinum into gold coins and platinum coins and utilisation of the same in place of paper money.

He is currently pushing for the offer of title deeds for all council houses if one stayed at the house for more than 25 years.

Politically Nduna continues to rise after he was recently elected a central committee member and chances are high that the party leadership will consider him for other positions since he remains loyal to the revolutionary party.

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