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HomeNewsED Takes To Twitter To Share 2022 Successes

ED Takes To Twitter To Share 2022 Successes

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has taken it upon himself to share his administration’s 2022 achievements in a what signifies the beginning of the election season.

Mnangagwa has come under criticism for failing to improve the welfare of citizens who according to opposition Citizens Coalition for Change member and Harare East legislator Tendai Biti are wallowing in poverty.

Posting on Twitter on Wednesday, Mnangagwa who is currently on annual leave said he will look back at the successes his government recorded in 2022 in order to celebrate and learn from the achievements.

“I will be taking a look back at the successes of 2022 this week in order to celebrate how far Zimbabwe has come and learn from our great journey,” posted Mnangagwa.

He further reported progress made at the Gwayi-Shangani Dam highlighting that his administration is making the lives of Zimbabweans better each and every day.

“I want to recognise the successes of the last year, beginning with the groundbreaking progress we have made at the Gwayi-Shangani Dam. We are making the lives of Zimbabweans better each and every day,” added Mnangagwa.

Mnangagwa’s first full term as President of Zimbabwe following the fall of Robert Mugabe has had a fair share of successes and failures with critics highlighting that ordinary people’s lives has worsened due to prevailing economic challenges that were caused by the re-introduction of the local Zimbabwean dollar.

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While Mnangagwa has scored big in terms of infrastructure development through the construction of roads, dams and refurbishment of Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport and Beitbridge border post among other projects, welfare of civil servants and inflation have overshadowed the success stories.

On the political front, Mnangagwa administration has fared badly in terms of rule of law and opening up of the democratic space as the state continues to clampdown on opposition aligned activists with the detention without trial of Zengeza West legislator Job Sikhala being one of the major negatives denting the ‘new dispensation’s reform agenda.

Zimbabwe is due to hold the next harmonised elections in July and the Zanu PF government will be under increasing pressure to justify why it should be awarded another five years in power.

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263Chat is a Zimbabwean media organisation focused on encouraging & participating in progressive national dialogue

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