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HomeNewsElectoral Reforms A Panacea To Credible Elections: MDC Alliance

Electoral Reforms A Panacea To Credible Elections: MDC Alliance

Government has shown no appetite for aligning the electoral law to the Constitution despite the fact that the country is only two years away from another round of elections, an MDC Alliance official has said.

By George Swarei

Party Secretary for Elections, Councillor Ian Makone who addressed the media in Harare Wednesday morning, called on the minister of Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to cause the alignment of the Electoral Act to the Constitution by urgently bringing the electoral bill to Parliament.

Makone blamed government and ZEC for continued dithering on electoral activities despite numerous correspondences requesting for a stakeholders engagement over legacy issues “that continue to undermine conduct of a free, fair and credible election”.

Makone appealed to ZEC to consult all election stakeholders on it’s activities in line with section 5 of the Electoral Act.

“As a party we have written to the commission on several occasions requesting the convening of a stakeholders forum to discuss all key issues relating to conduct of elections, it is disheartening and progressive to note that the last political stakeholders engagement with ZEC was held in February 2018 Harmonised elections”.

He spoke on the need to prioritize electoral reforms which he said are critical and speak to the credibility and integrity of any plebiscite in Zimbabwe.

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Speaking at the same event the Party’s spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere castigated what she called “the toxic desire by the regime to usurp the will of the people”.

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