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HomeSportsEPL – Match Day 3

EPL – Match Day 3

Sorry for the late post. ISP issues yesterday. Yes @Telone I am calling you out for no service for the whole bloody day.

Anyway Chelsea survive JT sending sending off, UTD fail to score, AGAIN, City look Championship material.

Chelsea could have lost to the Baggies if it wasn’t for a penalty miss by Morrison, who should have had a hatrick. Chelsea’s rather old backline continues to be exposed by tricky wingers and pacey strikers, as Ivanovic was skinned again by Mcmanaman and Terry well he got sent off for hauling down Rondon. Now let’s be honest, Rondon is not exactly the quickest striker in the world, and it may be time for Terry to be a leader more in the dressing room than on the pitch. Right now he is a liability. How bout that Pedro guy though. Gave a lethargic Chelsea attack some spark. He looks good, I back him to do well. I would say Chelsea will bring in a couple new signings before the end of the month.

UTD can’t seem to score at the moment, unless the other team scores for them LOL. I backed Wazza to have a bad season, he is really letting me down in my fantasy league. For all LVG’s talk about having enough strikers, he clearly does’t, and needs to make a plan. Having played in so many positions, I fear Rooney has lost his edge as a striker. I could still be proved wrong though. UTD don’t look great with all those additions are still bedding in. They will come good but need to do it soon. Get a striker LVG.

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City look GREAT. Those old men are really going for it. They look confident in defence and irresistible going forward. David Silva, can’t say enough about him, AMAZING player. Yaya’s no look pass, was something else, and that was his only contribution really, after being anonymous pretty much the whole game. Kompany and Mangala look to be forming a very solid partnership. Perfect record still. They want their title back.

Arsenal v Liverpool : now generally u expect the 0-0 scoreline meant a boring game. Not so!!! Arsenal had a new CB pairing, and boy did they look it. Chambers was shocking, giving the ball away in dangerous positions to Liverpool and setting up their attacks. Liverpool should really have been 2 or 3 up by half time. Cech did what he was bought to do, and saved arsenal time and time again. That save on Benteke, WOW!!! Liverpool looked good, makes u think maybe Hendo was holding em back hehehe…..Benteke was in the mood and so was Coutinho. If Belerin had no pace to make up for his mistakes, Coutinho would have banged in 2 or 3. 2nd half belonged to the Gunners who went for it and pinned Liverpool back.
Arsenal need another option upfront. Giroud isn’t going to cut it. Liverpool looked pretty complete for me and if UTD’s shyness in front of goal continues, Liverpool will be top 4. They certainly looked the business yesterday.

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So rankings this week

1. City – No brainer here, clearly a level above everyone else.
2. Arsenal – Even though they drew at home, going forward they looked good. Get Benzema.
3. Liverpool – they have 7 points and against Arsenal moved up a gear. If they continue like this they will surprise many.
4. Chelsea – They just don’t look like champions. Mou needs players. Pedro was a good start. get some defenders.
5. UTD – They just can’t score, don’t look convincing. Get a striker.

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MK's Just Sayin!!!

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