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HomeSportsEPL Weekly Review

EPL Weekly Review

Smash and grab UTD, That was just not cool. City cruised just like I knew they would, John Terry, zero to hero, Oziless Gunners draw at Stoke.

City kept a clean sheet which was a surprise. The 4 goals though wasn’t a surprise. We know City are capable of closing out seasons and they seem to getting into that gear right now. Aguero, Silva and co, are now stepping it up and showing their class. City kept it tight at the back, no crazy give aways from Mangala this time. Crystal Palace, it must be said, were pretty sh*t and offered no resistance at all. Shoulda be more than 4 if you ask me. They close the gap here to 1 point, and should now be feared as probably the team to go on and win it.

Chelsea and Everton played out an exciting draw. Can I call em or can I call em, eh eh!!! Terry like I predicted was dire. Chelsea can score right now, Fabregas and Costa look like they are back, but the can’t defend worth a damn. Just like opposition they played, Everton can score but can’t defend. With Arsenal coming up next week, Chelsea will need to find a way to stop the 2nd best attack in the league. Sanchez and Ozil will also be in line to start next week. Should be a cracker.

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Arsenal played out a goaless draw. The Gunners without Ozil or sanchez or Cazrola, looked pretty outta sorts. Theo was nowhere to be found, and Giroud could not put away the best chance of the game. Look, Arsenal haven’t won at Stoke City since Ramsey leg was blown off by Ryan Shawcross. But with Chelsea next week, you kinda got the feeling the Gunners needed this win. Fair play to Stoke, they really went for it, but in the end a Draw was a fair result. Peter Cech, signing of the season. Has to have saved arsenal at least 12-15 points already.

Liverpool v UTD. Smash and grab. UTD was crap for pretty much the WHOLE match. Liverpool was on top and shoulda come out with at least 4 goals, IN THE 1st HALF ALONE. It seemed like a matter of time before Liverpool would break through. But for some inspired stuff from DeGea, UTD would have been at the end of an embarassing loss. Liverpool strikers were sensationally wasteful though. Without DeGea, Utd would be languishing somewhere in 10th place. Liverpool only have themselves to blame though. The chances they spurned where Glorious!!! Chances don’t win games though, and Shrek smashed home from close range. Hey say what you like, Shrek is streak of sorts now. Still, DeGea won’t bail out UTD all the time, and if they play like that against the other big teams, they will embarrass themselves. Still a win is a win!!!

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Notables: Leicester is not going anywhere. Genuine top 4 contenders. Spurs bounce back in a massive way. They will make the top 4.

Power Rankings:
1. Arsenal manage to keep their spot here. Sanchez and Ozil back next week should boost the Gunners!!
2. Leicester, every time we think they are down, they come back. Stay dead, damn it!!!!
3. City, full of confidence, but they still have Mangala as a CB. Kompany u need to come back!!
4. Sp*rs, a dark horse for the title if they can keep being consistent and winning!! I like this Pochettino guy.
UTD, Liverpool and Chelsea all need to go on runs. Chelsea seems to like that 14th spot. All these teams have some major issues and the teams in front of them are all better at the moment.

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MK's Just Sayin!!!

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