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HomeNewsG40 Will Prevail in Zanu PF DCC Elections: Kasukuwere

G40 Will Prevail in Zanu PF DCC Elections: Kasukuwere

Exiled former Local Government Minister, Saviour Kasukuwere says G4O remnants in Zanu PF will prevail in the ongoing District Coordinating Committee (DCC) elections.

Kasukuwere made the remarks during a Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition virtual public debate held under the theme, “Operation Restore Legacy”: Unpacking the “democratic transition” in Zimbabwe held yesterday.
Kasukuwere accused Zanu PF of continuously delaying by-elections due to fear of losing to the opposition.
He said since the November 2017 military coup which toppled long time ruler, the late Robert Mugabe, it had become clear that the President Emmerson Mnangagwa led government had failed the people of Zimbabwe.
“The fear of holding by-elections is motivated by the fear of losing. If they are clear and motivated that they are going to win these by-elections, they would have held the elections.
“Even in Zanu PF there are the DCC elections and they fear that the G40 is everywhere and it’s a fact that they (G40) are everywhere. People want change and we cannot continue doing the same things again and again,” said Kasukuwere.
He said that by failing to prioritise the livelihoods of ordinary Zimbabweans, Mnangagwa had set himself up for failure.
“The livelihoods of our people is a thing that concerned all of us when we were still in government. In terms of the opposition, it was their duty to oppose but of course there were times when their opposition was misguided but now i think we are all wiser now,” said Kasukuwere.
He urged Zimbabweans to close ranks and confront the Mnangagwa administration as a united front.
Chaotic scenes have been reported in the ongoing DCC elections in Matabeleland North and Mashonaland Central provinces.
In Mashonaland Central, businessman James Makamba is fighting to wrestle power from incumbent and Home Affairs minister Kazembe Kazembe.
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