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HomeGuest BlogHarare’s RoadRules Secures Slot on DEMO Africa 2015 Stage!

Harare’s RoadRules Secures Slot on DEMO Africa 2015 Stage!

Road Rules today joins two other teams that have already secured their slot on the DEMO Africa stage 2015. The Road Rule App emerged the most outstanding product from among the seven that pitched at the DEMO Africa pre-pitch event hosted in collaboration by the Hypercube Hub in Harare.

The event brought together start-ups from across South Africa, with key industry players including Jabu Mpofu, Samuelle Dimairho, Munya Chiura and Mbugua Njihia making up the selection panel.

Tawanda ChikosiSpeaking on their win, Chikosi Tawanda, founder and CEO Road Rules said that he is excited about having a chance to pitch on the DEMO Africa platform “I believe that getting a chance to pitch on the DEMO Africa stage will expose us to opportunities that we initially just dreamed of.”

Congratulating the winner, DEMO Africa’s Event Director, Mbugua Njihia, expressed enthusiasm on the quality of technology products that are emerging across Africa.“ We have been to Nairobi, Accra and now Harare, the level of creativity witnessed is amazing. I am now sure that Africa is able to produce world class products that can be easily scaled.” He added

Hypercube’s Rinesh Desai echoed Mbugua’s sentiments urging the various stakeholders to rally behind technology entrepreneurs. “Our believe and support to these entrepreneurs is what will ensure that Africa’s economy gets a comfortable ride on home -made technology solutions.”

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Road rules is an provisional driver’s license test App. Road Rules joins Shield Finance (Kenya) and Flippy Campus (Ghana) on the list of start-up that will pitch during the main demo Africa event in Lagos with accommodation and ticket fully catered for. The last pre-screening event is scheduled for Sunday 28th June in Cairo, Egypt. DEMO Africa’s pre-screening activities and feedback sessions are aimed at raising the standards of the technology products that are produced by start-ups across Africa to ensure that the confidence of various investors is secured.

This is the last week before the expiration of the application deadline. Start-up application for DEMO Africa is still ongoing to close on 30th June. The adjudication of the submitted project will run through the month of July where a jury of 12 persons is expected to deliver a list of 30 start-ups that will pitch on the DEMO Africa stage.

DEMO Africa 2015 24th – 25th September, Lagos, Nigeria

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Nigel Mugamu is extremely passionate about the use of tech in Africa, travel, wine, Man Utd, current affairs and Zimbabwe.

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