Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeHealthHigherlife Foundation Initiative Brings 362 Doctors Back To Work

Higherlife Foundation Initiative Brings 362 Doctors Back To Work

Following HigherLife Foundation initiative to assist government towards payment of doctors salaries,  362 practitioners have reportedly returned to work, 263Chat can report.

In an interview with 263Chat during the launch of Support Our Hospitals Initiative, HigherLife Foundation chief executive officer, Dr Kennedy Mubaiwa confirmed that of the 362 doctors that are at work, two thirds are from Harare hospitals.

“Out of the 365 that applied, 362 are now in the fellowship and 90 percent  of those are now reporting for work.

“Of the 362 that are now at work, a third of them are from Bulawayo and a few from Masvingo and Chinhoyi then the rest are from Harare, that is Parirenyatwa, Harare and Chitungwiza hospitals,” said Dr Mubaiwa.

Dr Mubaiwa said the Support Our Hospitals Initiative is aimed at everyone who has the capacity to assist and help in  providing the much needed services to hospitals.

“Support our Hospitals initiative, we are calling Zimbabweans as individuals, we calling on businesses, cooperates, we calling on anyone who is in Zimbabwe to say come and join us to help our health institutions to have basic starter packs for doctors,” said Mubaiwa.

Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Group CEO, Douglas Mboweni outlined some of the basic services that they are providing to the doctors and hospitals.

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“As apart of the initiative, we are providing free Vaya and free water delivery to the hospitals. We are also giving  ZWL $10 Million to the fund and smartphones worth ZWL $1,5 Million. We are also offering solar power to selected hospitals plus free WiFi,” said Mboweni.

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