BULAWAYO: Anti-riot police had to be called to restore order at the Ministry of Health and Child Care offices in Bulawayo on Tuesday after hundreds of job seekers descended on the offices in response to an advert flighted by the ministry which is recruiting general hands for government run hospitals in the city.
Unemployment is at an all time high in the country estimated to be around 80% and in Bulawayo the situation has been made worse by the collapse of the industrial sector which was the backbone of the city’s economic activities.
The advert which was circulating on social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp indicated that the ministry was looking to employ 60 people to take up general hand jobs at United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH), Mpilo Central Hospital and Ingutsheni Mental Hospital.
In order to make the cut, some of the job seekers reportedly arrived at the offices as early as 3am.
However, some of them were still unsuccessful and accused ministry officials who presided over the recruitment of corruption and nepotism.
Sensing danger the ministry officials sought the protection of the anti-riot police, who were quickly dispatched to quell any violence that would break out.
“The selection was not done transparently, some of the people who were selected were not even on the queue,” charged one woman, who identified herself as Memory Sibanda.
Another job seeker, Joseph Mutero told 263Chat that the turn out was a sign that all was not well in the country.
“Most of the people in this queue are highly qualified for the job but in a country which so much unemployment we just take what comes. The government should fix the economy so that all these people can one day find proper employment,” said Mutero.
In an interview with journalists a ministry official said another round of recruitment will be done next Tuesday.