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HomeNewsICYMI: Weekly News Update Week Ending 31 July 2017

ICYMI: Weekly News Update Week Ending 31 July 2017


First Lady has captured the President

WAR veterans have threatened to join hands with opposition parties in a fresh onslaught aimed at pushing out “captured” President Robert Mugabe from power in next year’s general elections.

Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans’ Association (ZNLWVA) secretary-general, Victor Matemadanda, who is considered one of Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s closest allies, yesterday tore into First Lady Grace.

The First Lady on Saturday exonerated Prof Jonathan Moyo from his corruption charges and Zanu PF National Commissar Saviour Kasukuwere from his alleged plot to oust the President statements which analysts have said strongly proves that the First Lady could be supporting the G40 faction.

Corruption, roadblocks a threat to tourism

STAKEHOLDERS in the tourism industry have cited corruption, police’s innumerable roadblocks, lack of a travelling culture by locals and the public’s negative perception towards local products as major factors affecting efforts to rebrand Zimbabwe as a safe tourist destination.

This came out during a Zimbabwe Image Management workshop held in Bindura on Friday.

Journalists protest against police brutality

JOURNALISTS from different media houses yesterday staged a peaceful demonstration against police brutality on reporters, who will be reporting demonstrations and sensitive stories.

Nearly 40 journalists marched from New Ambassador Hotel to Harare Central Police Station with their lips taped in protest over the arrest of reporters on duty.

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At Harare Central Police Station they sought audience with the officer commanding Harare province, but only managed to meet with an Inspector Zibudubudu, the officer in charge of operations.

President not going anywhere

President Mugabe says the state of his health surprises even his doctors, pointing out that he is still fit to lead both Zanu-PF and Government as the country prepares for next year’s harmonised elections. President Mugabe was addressing tens of thousands of people at Chinhoyi University of Technology at the fifth Presidential Youth Interface yesterday.

“There is an issue to say the President is going, I am not going; the President is dying, I am not dying, and I thank God for having lived to this day,” he said.

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Nigel Mugamu is extremely passionate about the use of tech in Africa, travel, wine, Man Utd, current affairs and Zimbabwe.

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