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HomeNewsIntroduce Alternatives Before Banning Diapers, Govt Urged

Introduce Alternatives Before Banning Diapers, Govt Urged

Following proposals by the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) to ban the use of disposable diapers in the country, environmental advocates have called for alternatives so that the move will not affect mothers.

By Sylivia Changachirere

A Harare based environmental consultant who refused to be named urged government to come up with environmental friendly alternatives to alleviate challenges likely to be faced by women in the absence of diapers.

“If a ban is granted, is there an alternative which can be used by mothers besides napkins.

“Also the ban could be too premature given that if it is granted, women will find it difficult to take up nappies which also have their own challenges including health risks on babies,” said the consultant.

Director of People and Earth Solidarity Law Network, Lenin Chisaira said the ban was a good move though he was worried if it will work without a legal instrument criminalizing their use.

“The disposable diapers’ material cannot be recycled and in this state it can be very harmful to the environment, causing threats to future generations.

“I suggest that the government find alternative ways of removing disposable diapers, maybe creating a definite law criminalizing their use,” said Chisaira.

Scores of women interviewed by 263Chat were also skeptical of the move which they felt would come hard on them considering the price of nappies.

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A single napkin is being sold for between ZWL$80 to ZWL$100, a price that could beyond the reach of many.

According to research, diapers take almost 500 years to decompose and pose a threat to landfills on the environment.



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