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HomeNewsLead the revolution prophets told

Lead the revolution prophets told

Pastor Patrick Mugadza, who was arrested for denouncing Mugabe at the 15th  Zanu PF annual National People’s Conference yesterday challenged ‘crowd pulling prophets’ to stand up and lead the Mugabe must go drive.

While addressing journalists, Mugadza of the Remnant Church challenged the famous Zimbabwean prophets to spearhead the revolution for a better Zimbabwe.

“It is important for men of God to stand up and speak concerning our nation.  They know what is going on but they are opting to remain silent,” he said  adding that UFIC leader, Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa, who was recently in South Africa, openly supported an alternative interim government.

The Gutu born pastor, also denounced popular prophets’ message which he says give people false hope.

“We have been told that things will be okay countless times. Something is not right I believe that somehow these prophets are linked to the state no wonder why they cannot say anything about the state of the economy,” he said.

The 47 year old, Kariba, based pastor said he is not afraid of being abducted just like what happened to Itai Dzamara.

“I’m not afraid because fear will not bring anything. If we allow fear in our lives it means that we will continue suffer in this current predicament. If I’m abducted I assure you that I will germinate,” he said.

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He armor-plated the fact that the country’s economy is in a dire state.

“Things are not okay in the country people are leaving for the diaspora tearing the family fabric apart,” said Mugadza.

Mugadza who spent 18 days in remand prison said a technocratic government is the way forward for Zimbabwe.

“There is a way out for Zimbabwe, we should come up with a government of technocrats.

“President should accept that things are not okay as this will give the nation an opportunity to formulate an interim government of technocrats,’ he said.

Mugadza was arrested in December after he staged a one man demonstration in Victoria Falls  against Zanu PF’s failure to resuscitate the economy.

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Journalist based in Harare

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