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HomeNewsLow-income Earners Embrace MaishaCare

Low-income Earners Embrace MaishaCare

EcoCash Holdings Zimbabwe Limited health insurance unit, Maisha Health Fund, says its newly launched MaishaCare is making medical insurance easily accessible to the majority of people in the country.

The innovative health cover offers primary care from as little as US$5 per month and gives low-income customers access to quality healthcare, a network of doctors, emergency procedures and treatment for non-chronic conditions.

MaishaCare, whose monthly premiums of US$5 are payable through the EcoCash USD wallet, while customers can also pay through a bank deposit or at the nearest Econet Shop, is widely accepted at various Council, Government, Mission hospitals and selected private health care service providers nationwide.

In cases of medical emergencies, MARS Ambulances or affiliate ambulances will ferry the patient to the nearest health care centre.

Maisha Health noted that while MaishaCare was developed with the working class and vulnerable groups of the population in mind, although middle income earners can also take advantage of it.

“As the costs of healthcare continue to rise, the right to health has started eluding some low income groups of our population. This package was developed with them in mind, because we believe the right to health is a universal right.”

However, statistics from the United Nations show that many people in developing countries are denied healthcare, or receive poor quality healthcare, because of unaffordable fees and high costs.

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“To cover this gap in our health delivery system, MaishaCare grants low-income earners access to physical consultations, prescription drugs, online consultations through Dial-a-Doc, access to private emergency rooms, Government and mission hospitals.

“The medical aid scheme also provides health tips and ambulance cover through a partnership with MARS and Maisha Health,” said Maisha Health.

Over the past few months, Maisha has leveraged EcoCash Holdings broader business ecosystem to allow customers to get consultation remotely via their mobile phones.

“We are promoting disease prevention and wellness so that we reduce the need for expensive treatment on people’s already depressed incomes,” Maisha Health said.

Maisha Health Fund is a provider of tailor-made medical insurance services in Zimbabwe, offering medical cover to corporate and enterprise entities, colleges, schools and individuals.

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