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HomePoliticsLumumba affirms Presidential ambitions.

Lumumba affirms Presidential ambitions.

Controversial Zanu PF activist, Ace Lumumba has declared his presidential ambitions saying that is the reason why he ventured into politics.

Speaking during video recording released yesterday, Lumumba bluntly declared his ambition to be the president, just like any other politician in the country.

He was responding to a question on whether there are factions within the ruling party, Zanu  PF. In the video, Lumumba who is  also Harare provincial secretary for tourism,  could  not hesitate to agree that factions do exist in Zanu PF.

“Yes there are factions within Zanu PF just as there are factions in any set up.



The main reason for these factions is for people to get into power. So if you ask me if I want to be president of this country, I will tell you yes I want to be the president. Who does not want to be president?

That is the reason why we are all in politics, so that we aim for the presidency,” said Lumumba.

Lumumba noted that even the two vice presidents and the first lady would all want to sit on the Zimbabwean golden throne at some point in their lives.

“You must understand that politicians are a group of very ambitious people who want to fight along the lines of who is going to lead the way forward. So do not be fooled by any politician claiming they do not want to be president, we all want to be presidents.”

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This is not the first time that the youthful politician has expressed his desire to lead the country. A few weeks ago, in an interview with ZIFM, he declared that he would want to be the president if people vote him in. Once elected to power Lumumba promised  to uproot the corruption rot that has engulfed the country especially in parastatals.

Lumumba has been on a whirlwind, attacking ministers, especially the Minister of Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment, Patrick Zhuwawo whom he accuses of a series of corrupt activities. In one of the most recent videos, Lumumba urges President Robert Mugabe to fire all ministers as he deems them corrupt and not fit to hold public office.



He is also on record claiming that ZANU PF is in a quagmire because of the succession issue. He claims the delay in announcing Mugabe’s successor has perpetuated factional fights within the ruling party.

“The problem is we took time to address the successor of President Mugabe. This has hindered the way forward as people now spend time focusing on succession issues.

“Now we are over sensationalizing the succession battle instead of what the successor is going to do when he or she takes over the country. Politics should not be about personalities but about programs that move forward policies.” said Lumumba.

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ZANU PF has been drawn into succession disputes with Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa reportedly leading a faction called “Lacoste” being backed by the wars vets while the first lady , Dr Grace Mugabe is reportedly  fronting ‘G40’, a faction which is desperately trying to push VP Mnangagwa out of power.

It remains to be seen what action will be taken against Lumumba who seems to have seen the light and is putting his hand up to lead this country.

However, he will have to wait a bit longer before he can think of being a resident at the state house as age is not on his side.

The constitution of Zimbabwe states that for a person to be a president of the republic of Zimbabwe, he or she must have attained the age of 40.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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