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HomeNewsMliswa Booed At MDC Congress

Mliswa Booed At MDC Congress

Daring Norton Member of Parliament, Temba Mliswa stirred a hornet’s nest at the ongoing Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) national congress when he told the over 5000 crowd that he is praying for a dialogue meeting between President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Nelson Chamisa.

Mliswa who attended the MDC congress at the invitation of the party was booed and jeered for suggesting that Zimbabwe needs a dialogue between Chamisa and his rival Mnangagwa while he shredded the ongoing political dialogue between ZANU PF and other 2018 election losing candidates describing it as a waste of time.

“Some parties in this ongoing dialogue had less votes than me an independent parliamentary candidate. It is time that the two, Nelson Chamisa and Mnangagwa sit together and talk.

“The people have suffered enough and I believe a dialogue between these two will turn things for better. That is the only meaningful dialogue that can change our prospects,” said Mliswa to a wide roar of jeer and booing.

He, however, stood his ground and said, “Yes! You can protest however you like but we will keep on praying that these two sit together on one table and talk so that the country goes forward.”

Taking the podium after him, Chamisa expressed disapproval of how MDC party supporters reacted to Mliswa’s sentiments.

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“I don’t like that attitude, that is not the MDC way of doing things.You are doing exactly what we are trying to fight, intolerance. We respect other people opinions since everyone is entitled to their ideology. Just as any of you decided to support this party unmolested and was not persecuted for it, respect other people’s choices and ideologies too,” he said.

“This man is a legend for believing in his ideology and seeing it through,” added Chamisa.

The MDC Congress ends today with the election of the party’s Standing Committee and announcement of winners.

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