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HomeNewsParly Staff Accused Of Lobbying Legislators To Defend US$9k Laptop Scandal

Parly Staff Accused Of Lobbying Legislators To Defend US$9k Laptop Scandal

Norton Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has accused parliamentary administration of lobbying legislators to defend parliament’s corrupt decision to award two local companies tenders for the supply of laptops at a whooping cost of US9 200 each.

Posting on Twitter, Mliswa said some legislators were out to defend Clerk of Parliament Kennedy Chokuda by arguing that the matter was not for the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to handle.

“As the Public Accounts Committee works to find out the story behind the shocking US$9000 laptops some legislators have been lobbied by Parliament Administration to defend and protect Chokuda. It just goes to show the depth of corruption in this country.

“One argument they are seeking to push is that the matter doesn’t fall under PAC. This corroborates my previous argument that some of these legislators are compromised. They are not progressive and are for party politics. They can’t stand on their own principles and ethics,” said Mliswa.

The combative former Zanu PF Mashonaland West chairperson vowed to push for an inquest into the issue to the bitter end.

“However, as long as some of us are there this won’t work. Some of us we don’t seek favours and will push to the bitter end. We are here to serve the people who voted for us and not to grovel for international trips. The blue-eyed boys of Parliament& parties won’t derail this,” said Mliswa.

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“Some of us are not going to be massaged into being pliable to the whims of corrupt politicians or Gvt officials. Ini handidi hangu kushanda ndakabatirwa demo, I want my independence and freedom,” Mliswa added.

Parliament has been in the eye of a storm after they approved a tender for the supply of 173 laptops by a company called Blinart Investments only to be flagged by the treasury which refused to pay for the tender.

Chokuda claimed that he had cancelled the tender but the paper trail to the whole saga revealed otherwise as earlier letters had nodded to the deal.

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