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HomeNewsMwonzora Says Tsvangirai Deserves National Hero Status

Mwonzora Says Tsvangirai Deserves National Hero Status

Opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader, Douglas Mwonzora has called for the conferment of national heroes’ status on the party’s founding leaders Morgan Tsvangirai and Gibson Sibanda.

Mwonzora’s call comes after President Emmerson Mnangagwa conferred late nationalists Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole and James Chikerema with hero status for their contribution in the liberation of the country more than a decade after their deaths.

Posting on Twitter while applauding Mnangagwa’s move, Mwonzora said the process of conferring hero status should be non-partisan and never be a privilege of Zanu PF.

“The MDC welcomes the conferment of National Hero status on the Late Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole and the Late James Dambaza Chikerema. Their contribution to the fight for the liberation of Zimbabwe from colonialism should never be doubted.

“The conferment is refreshing because for the first time it has not been partisan. National Hero status must be given on the basis of one’s objective contribution to Zimbabwe and never on the basis of one’s political affiliation. There should be a non-partisan mechanism for the selection of individuals for conferment of National Hero status. In other words, this important task should never be a prerogative of a ruling party,” said Mwonzora.

He called for the recognition of Tsvangirai and Sibanda as heroes for their contribution to democracy, peace and the rule of law.

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“We call upon the conferment of National Hero status on the Late Morgan Richard Tsvangirai, Gibson Sibanda and other heroes and heroines of the democratic struggle in Zimbabwe. Their fight for Democratic Change in Zimbabwe was a noble fight. Tsvangirai’s contribution to democracy, peace, tolerance, constitutionalism, respect for the rule of law, the welfare of all Zimbabweans especially the poor, the economic development of our nation can never be doubted. His selflessness is unparalleled,” he said.

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