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HomePoliticsNkosana Moyo Chickens Out Of 2023 Race

Nkosana Moyo Chickens Out Of 2023 Race


Opposition Alliance for People’s Agenda leader and former Minister of Industry and International Trade Dr. Nkosana Moyo has announced that he will not contest in next year’s Presidential elections.

In a post on Twitter, APA said Dr. Moyo is currently concentrating on his work with the Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS) and the secretary general will take charge until a substantive leader is chosen.

“APA wishes to announce that Dr Nkosana Moyo is standing down as President and will,therefore, not be running in the Presidential elections in 2023. Dr Moyo has continued with his far reaching and ground breaking work with the Mandela Institute for Development Studies (MINDS).

“MINDS recently participated in the CHOGM summit in Rwanda and is deepening its work across the continent.
Per its constitution, APA will be led by Secretary General, Albert Gumbo, together with the NEC, until a new President is elected. Dr Moyo remains a member of APA,” reads the statement.

Dr. Moyo is known for his sudden resignation from his Ministerial post in 2001, when he left to join his family in South Africa after he strongly disagreed with President Mugabe and Zanu-PF’s policies.

The resignation resulted in Mugabe describing him as a “coward”.

In June 2017, Dr Moyo announced that he would be running for President of Zimbabwe in 2018 harmonised elections and that he would running under Alliance for People’s Agenda (APA).

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He performed dismally in the subsequent elections that were won by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

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