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HomePoliticsOpposition Leader Lashes At ‘Chamisa’s Lack Of Visionary Leadership’

Opposition Leader Lashes At ‘Chamisa’s Lack Of Visionary Leadership’


South African based opposition leader, Herbert Chamuka has laid into MDC Alliance leader, Nelson Chamisa for “lacking visionary leadership” due to his stance against the Political Actor Dialogue (POLAD).

Chamuka who leads the Ideas Party Of Democracy(IPD) outfit said Chamisa should be sincere enough and engage with the government and map the way forward for a better Zimbabwe.

He accused Chamisa of not wanting to engage with other opposition parties to form a strong coalition that will outwit Zanu-PF.

“If only we could all as oppositions sit down and talk, unfortunately, oppositions like Chamisa do not like to sit and talk with other oppositions because he feels like he knows everything and he is liked by the people.

“He likes to sit down with people who will say let’s get together and go to the elections as one. Chamisa’s target is not a visionary target, he doesn’t have the vision of getting together to discuss how to remove sanctions in Zimbabwe,” Chamuka lashed.

He also called on President Emmerson Mnangagwa to engage with the western world and map a way for the removal of sanctions while advocating for the reversal of the land reform program.


“What we ask for is that President Emmerson Mnangagwa should stop saying things like, ‘Keep your America I keep my Zimbabwe’ because  (US President) Joe Biden refused to remove the sanctions. Mnangagwa should as for forgiveness, even those farms that were taken illegally should be given back to the white people where they belong so that the country prospers.

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“They should also give back the industries that they took from the white people, they are failing to run them. I am not a sell-out, but we want the citizens to benefit because, during the Ian Douglas Smith era, the white people were harsh on us on the farms but at least our fathers could eat, they could get money and our money could actually buy but as of now we don’t have any mone in Zimbabwe,” he said.

Chamisa has been on a whirlwind tour of rural communities to engage and garner support in the traditionally perceived Zanu-PF stronghold.

He has however been facing resistance from alleged ZanuPF supporters who have attacked his entourage on several occassions.

His party is accused of advocating for lobbying for sanctions from the western bloc.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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