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HomeNewsPolice warns against Public violence

Police warns against Public violence

Police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner, Charity Charamba today warned members of the public against inciting illegal and violent protests saying members of the police were ready to deal with perpetrators of violence.

The warning comes after Commuter omnibus operators in various suburbs across Harare engaged in running battles with members of the Republic police. The kombi operators were  protesting against heavy police presence on all the roads.

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Addressing journalists Charamba said all those perpetrating violence will be dealt with accordingly.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police would like to warn all those who are inciting  and engaging in violence that such misconduct  will be severely dealt with. The Zimbabwe Republic Police is quite aware that some people would like to engage in social unrest.



“It is in this regard that Police officers have been heavily deployed to deal with any public disorder situation. Lawlessness of any nature whatsoever and those who are bent on causing mayhem by taking the law into their hands will be condoned,” warned Charamba.

She said that they have deployed Police in various parts of the capital to monitor and arrest all those inciting violence.

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“We have put our monitoring teams in pace and all perpetrators of violence will be arrested

She added that the Police have arrested some of the demonstrators in Ruwa and Mabvuku.

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Journalist based in Harare

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