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HomeNewsPolitical violence on the rise: CIZC

Political violence on the rise: CIZC

The resurgence of politically motivated violence being perpetrated to opposition forces mostly by ruling party activists in some parts of the country is a cause concern,  Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) has said.

By Lovejoy Mutongwizi 

In a statement, CIZC, a pressure group, claims that  members of the opposition are living in fear as they are being targeted by supposedly Zanu (PF) militia who are in the habit of terrorizing them.

“On Tuesday, April 26, 2016 seven houses belonging to Renewal Democrats Zimbabwe (RDZ) activists from Mukuvamombe Village in Makoni North were burnt down by known Zanu (PF) activists from the area and victims of the arson attacks lost all their household property including food reserves ,” reads part of the statement.

There are also reports that traditional leaders, who are believed to be affiliated to the ruling party, in Masvingo province threatened a repeat the 2008 political violence against MDC-T supporters following an MDC- T rally which was held at Man’a Township in Gutu last week.

The reports come at a time  the country is purportedly making frantic efforts towards national healing and reconciliation through the public hearings on the National Peace and Reconciliation Bill. Zanu (PF) militia is apparently reported to be launching another reign of terror which has resulted in a series of victimization of perceived and known opposition activists across the country.

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In doing so, CiZC says Zanu PF is acting against the spirit of national healing and reconciliation.

“As CIZC we are deeply concerned over the hypocrisy of ruling party authorities who preach peace during the day and practice exactly the opposite in the night.”

“With the country set to go into an election mode soon, we can only fear for the worst given the current wave of political violence in the country,” said CiZC in a statement.

The statement added that,”CiZC remains concerned that over the years, there has been selective application of the law in favor of ruling party activists and this has further fueled political violence in the country as Zanu (PF) activists have apparently gone above the law to perpetrate all forms of violence against opposition activists knowing fully well that they can escape the long arm of the law.”

According to CiZC, an NGO umbrella body, the sight of perpetrators of the political violence that rocked the country in the past walking scot free  also instilled great fear among victims who are living in fear especially given the violence that is rocking some parts of the country.

“The politicization and militarization of the government institutions and arms has also been one of the major causes for the continuation of political violence against dissenting voices in Zimbabwe,” said CiZC.

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Going forward, CIZC implored law enforcement agents to be professional and desist from partisan conduct as stipulated under Section 208 of the country’s Constitution.

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