Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsPrivate Schools Warned Over Exeat Weekends

Private Schools Warned Over Exeat Weekends

The government has warned private schools over unsanctioned exeat weekends saying this could trigger a spike in COVID-19 infections.

Addressing journalists during a Post Cabinet media briefing on Tuesday, Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services Minister, Monica Mutsvangwa said COVID-19 cases in schools were on a downward but could be triggered by unsanctioned unsanctioned exeat weekends.

“The nation is also being advised that the number of new COVID-19 infections among learners in schools continues to decrease. Movement of boarders during term time as well as general non-compliance with the Standard Operating Procedures for the Prevention and Management of COVID-19 and other Influenza-like illnesses in the Primary and Secondary Education Sector has contributed to outbreaks in schools,” she said.

Mutsvangwa’s warning comes after the government banned all students from going on exeat weekends, a resolution meant to bar them from traveling back home for fear of spreading the coronavirus.

Meanwhile, Mutsvangwa said government was still optimistic about attaining its end-of-year herd immunity target despite the current low vaccine uptake.

“Cabinet also noted the need to ramp up vaccination to attain the national herd immunity by year-end as targeted. To this end, a program of activities and schedules is being compiled in consultation with all relevant stakeholders. The public will be kept abreast of the developments. Government urges all citizens and urges all citizens who are yet to be inoculated to present themselves for vaccination,” said Mutsvangwa.

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