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HomePoliticsPro-Democratic Movements Escalates Anti-Bond Notes Campaign

Pro-Democratic Movements Escalates Anti-Bond Notes Campaign

The introduction of bond notes has sparked wide disapproval from pro-democratic movements who expressed concern over government’s disregard of the people’s views against them.

In a statement released on Monday, Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition said it was concerned over government’s disregard of people’s views against bond notes adding that they are going to reach out to the masses educating them on why they must reject central bank’s ‘surrogate currency’.

“The CiZC Youth Committee will lead campaigns aimed at simplifying the language around the bond notes issue as well educating the masses on the negative repercussions of the bond notes introduction thus encouraging citizens around the country to reject the bond notes.

“Through our decentralization exercise, CiZC will ensure that the #SayNoToBondnotes campaign reaches out to grassroots communities across the country,” reads part of the statement.

CiZC also said they are of the firm view that there are limited accountability channels available to citizens to monitor the activities of the RBZ on printing Bond notes raising questions on what measures are in place to ensure that the Government of Zimbabwe will not print bond notes exceeding the 200 million dollar facility.

Youths Assembly of the Movement for Democratic Change led by Morgan Tsvangirai on Wednesday held a demonstration in Harare to register their displeasure over the bond notes move.

ALSO ON 263Chat:  #SayNoToBondNotes campaign launched

Addressing protester before they marched along Nelson Mandela Avenue, Happymore Chidziva urged President Mugabe to listen to the nation and stop imposing policies on the people.

“Government must listen to citizens’ concerns than to impose ideas, it must be countable to its own people.

“Mugabe the people know what they want, if they say not to bond notes do not force. You are too old and going to second life and do not take everyone there, be respectful,” President Mugabe told.

Chidziva denounced monetary policies by the Reserve bank of Zimbabwe, Dr John Mangudya saying they are a joke to the nation.

Zimbabwe Women in Politics Alliance added its voice against bond notes saying women will be the most affected by the move.

“The introduction of bond notes by the RBZ governor may be viewed as a relief to cash shortages, but this is a mirage. This move as good as it can seem played a blind eye to how negatively it will affect lives of the disadvantaged groups in our society especially women, ”the organization said.


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Journalist based in Harare

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