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HomeNewsScrap Unnecessary Tax Breaks, Govt Told

Scrap Unnecessary Tax Breaks, Govt Told


Civic groups under the banner of the National People’s Convention have called on government to scrap unnecessary tax breaks and incentives to corporates especially those in the extractives sector as well as recommit to pro-poor policies and an inclusive social policy framework.

In a statement released on Thursday the group’s commended government for the three month moratorium to recover illegally externalized funds and assets calling for more action to curtail illicit financial flows especially in the extractive industry through strengthening of legal and institutional framework that compel corporates to improve fiscal transparency.

“We commend the Government’s 3-month moratorium to recover illegally externalized funds and assets. “However, we encourage Government to do more to curtail illicit financial flows in the extractives industry by strengthening the legal and institutional framework and compelling corporates to improve fiscal transparency by disclosing financial information in the public domain.

“We commend the budget’s attempt to address the unsustainable debt overhang by facilitating re-engagement
with the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) as well as other multilateral and bilateral creditors. However, we insist upon an inclusive, transparent and accountable process.

“We say no to job cuts and  we urge the government to constructively engage social partners and negotiate a social contract under the aegis of the Tripartite Negotiating Forum.

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” We call upon the government to re-prioritize public expenditures towards a developmental thrust and remove ghost workers. ,”reads the statement.

National People’s Convention called for deliberate policy moves to strengthen trade unions and collective bargaining, saying this will narrow income inequalities and reduce incidences of poverty.

“We call for an employment and wage led economic recovery in order to ignite aggregate domestic demand and domestic savings, which are critical for investment and job creation.

“We contend that wages are the lifeblood of the informal economy where most Zimbabweans find livelihoods and critical social safety nets that Government is struggling to provide.

“We call for deliberate policy moves to strengthen trade unions and collective bargaining, as this will narrow income inequalities and reduce incidences of poverty.

“We call for socially-sensitive and inclusive State Enterprise and Parastatal Reforms based on a National Framework Agreement (NFA) as is the case in South Africa.

“We demand the implementation of the recommendations of the Auditor General’s Reports and we urge government to desist from pursuing a narrow agenda to labor market flexibility and instead promote an integrative and balanced approach.

“Furthermore, for sustained job creation, Government must update the explicit National Employment Policy through stakeholder dialogue,” noted NPC.

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National People’s Convention is comprised of churches, human rights groups, media advocacy groups, residents movements, social movements, students, people with disabilities, women and youths.

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