Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsSIMBA Education Rolls out Virtual School to Supplement Foundational Learning

SIMBA Education Rolls out Virtual School to Supplement Foundational Learning

SIMBA Education – a social enterprise developed seven years ago in response to the visible learning tools gap in Early Childhood Education (ECE) across sub-Saharan Africa- has developed and rolled out an affordable online learning program for foundational learners, ages 4-9 years across the nation as part of its contribution to the continuity of learning for children in Zimbabwe despite the pandemic.

Dubbed “SIMBA Virtual School”, the home schooling program was birthed during lockdown to ensure young learners continue learning safely in the comfort of their homes with both learning material and online classes aimed at them catching up and grasping essential literacy and numeracy concepts that set the foundation for future learning.

“While the past couple of months have come with their fair share of obstacles due to COVID-19, we saw an opportunity to help not just our kids at SIMBA Preparatory School, but all 4-9year old learners in Zimbabwe,” said Elizabeth Tanya Masiyiwa SIMBA Education Co-founder and CEO.

Simba Preparatory School offers a wide array of technology solutions that enhance learning experiences while lowering barriers to accessing an affordable early years education. The  Virtual School is the latest offering which takes young learners on a world class learning experience.

At a give away launch price of only $10/ term, young learners get a copy of  The Growing Tree Book with exercises that stimulate cognitive skills as well as access to online teacher support to them through each exercise.

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To access the innovative virtual school, parents or guardians simply have to

  1. Click on this link https://bit.ly/2LLBO6q
  2. Fill out the form
  3. The SIMBA team gets in touch with you
  4. Purchase a copy of the SIMBA Growing Tree activity workbooks that cost only $10 per term
  5. Zoom in and attend the free daily online lessons led by the experienced teachers of SIMBA Preparatory School- the SIMBA Education early years learning centre located in the heart of peri-urban Domboshava, Zimbabwe.

Each SIMBA Growing Tree activity workbook content is a hybrid of the United Kingdom’s EYFS and the Zimbabwean curriculum, therefore borrowing from the best of both methods whilst also offering concepts tailor-made for respective foundational ages.

With parents and guardians having to wear the hat of teacher during lockdown and even after to ensure their child catches up, SIMBA Virtual School is helping close the gap and serves as a  great supplementing aid to foundational learning.

Additionally, SIMBA offers parents and guardians so much more through its online education store that has various learning workbooks, student handwriting workbooks, teacher’s manuals and amazing story books for ECD B to Grade 2.

Check out the store here: simbaeducation.com/shop

Give your child the fighting chance to catch up and get ahead in the learning with SIMBA Virtual School today!

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