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HomeNewsSuspended Member Vows to Win Ward Elections for Zanu PF

Suspended Member Vows to Win Ward Elections for Zanu PF


Suspended ZANU PF Macheke district Chairperson, Josphat Kamwendo who is set to contest the July 30 harmonised elections as an Independent Council candidate for the Macheke Urban Ward 29 says he has no regrets over his move to defy party order to pave way for Mafion Handreck to represent the party in the July 30 harmonised elections.

By Tendai Ruombwa

Kamwendo accused Mashonaland East Provincial Chairperson Biggie Matiza of pushing him out of the party but has vowed to shame his detractors’ and win the seat for ZANU PF.

“It’s unfortunate that I will contest as an independent candidate to serve the seat from being captured by the opposition, the Provincial chairperson Cde Matiza connived to disrespect the wishes of the party supporters who had resoundingly voted for me in the primary elections and chose to impose Handreck who lacks the political clout to win against the opposition,” said Kamwendo.

In the first round of primary elections, Kamwendo polled 275 votes against Handreck’s 150.

Kamwendo said the results were ‘mysteriously’ overturned with no explanation offered to him.

“I am the bonafide candidate, I won the primary elections and no communication was made to me on the reason to overturn the result and I was not informed about the date and place of the re-run,” revealed Kamwendo.

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“I wrote to the Provincial chairperson and personally delivered my letter of complaint to Rugeje and Secretary for Administration Obert Mpofu but no action has been taken,” he added.

Kamwendo said Macheke residents asked him to stand as an independent and deliver back the seat to ZANU PF.

If elected, Kamwendo said he will initiate development projects in Macheke.

“Macheke is legging behind in developmental issues our clinic is now inadequate for the growing population, there is no mortuary and doctor if I get into office I will ensure that we get hospital status, construct a mortuary and have inhouse doctors.”

Key on his agenda is to have Macheke district gain its autonomy from Murewa Rural district council to run its own affairs.

“We want things to revert back to how they used to be and have Macheke as an autonomous district, the tragedy right now is that our rentals are used to develop Murewa whilst our town lies under developed. If we gain our autonomy our rentals will be able to finance our own develop like construction of a bus terminus and a market for our vendors to operate from.”

Meanwhile Noah Mangondo who thumped Biggie Matiza in the primary elections for the Murewa South Constituency before the results were allegedly overturned is also set to contest as an independent candidate.

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