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Home2018 ElectionsWe Are Fed Up With ‘Demonic’ Zanu PF: Shamva South Aspiring MP

We Are Fed Up With ‘Demonic’ Zanu PF: Shamva South Aspiring MP


Shamva South People’s Rainbow Coalition parliamentary candidate, Stephen Choga has accused the Zanu-PF government of running down the country since independence in 1980 saying if elected he would help create employment opportunities through the resuscitation of the several dysfunctional mines in the area.

Choga said the current government has run down the country over the past 38 years that it has been in power, a period characterized by corruption and gross incompetence and said the PRC, led by Joice Mujuru, is the savior to the problems bedeviling the country

“The reason why I’m in politics today is that I envision a great future for the country. A future that was destroyed by the current government. We have lost faith in them, we are fed up with them and we want to correct all the wrongs that they have done,” Choga told 263Chat on the sidelines of a community envision workshop between young women in the mining town organised by the Institute of Young Women Development (IYWD)

If elected, Choga said, he would advocate for the arrest of the perpetrator of sexual violence who normally go free due to their connections with some members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP).

“I want the police to be on the lookout of these thugs. The big challenge is that most of the officers are connected to the miners, so we want to make sure we do the right thing.

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“Where allegations of rape arise, we need to them to investigate and if there is any arrest needed, then e make sure those that are found wanting are put behind bars,” noted Choga.

He said a PR government would ensure that there is no corruption in all spheres of the country.

“We have a demon of poverty which is contributing to rampant mismanagement of all resources meant for all to benefit and this has left us with a country in shambles. So we want that rectified and we are here to do just that,” he said.

Choga said, if elected, he would ensure ‘reasonable employment’ for all and do away with food handouts as he would help create employment opportunities through the resuscitation of the several mines dotted in Shamva.

He said Shamva and the country, deserve investors who are not entirely interested in making money but those that want to develop the community.

He added that a Community Development Association, with skilled people, would also be formulated, to come up with developmental projects.

Meanwhile, several young women who attended the workshop took their aspiring MPs to task to explain their manifestos and how they plan to develop their communities.

Zanu-PF’s Bramwell Bushu promised to use his vast business links to ensure the completion of the Shamva-Madziwa Highway, which will help in the transportation of farm produce.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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