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HomeNewsWe will remove prepaid water metres: NCA

We will remove prepaid water metres: NCA

The National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) has vowed that it will remove prepaid water metres saying the move is a criminal act being spearheaded by top council officials.

This came out during a Combined Harare Residents Associations public discussion which unpacked Political Parties’ positions on Pre-paid water metering system held in the capital recently.

Addressing residents, journalists and members of the civil society NCA spokesperson Madock Chivasa said his party will deploy people to remove prepaid water meetings once they are installed.

“We will deploy people who will uninstall prepaid water metres,” said Chivasa adding  the prepaid water system is a  criminal act being spearheaded by top council officials who are itching  to squander money from citizens.

“Section 77 of the Zimbabwean Constitution stipulates that water is a basic human right.  Rolling prepaid water metres is a direct violation of the right infringed in the constitution said,” Chivasa.

He said that the prepaid water system should be rolled in the industries first as they are the ones that can afford to pay for such things.

“Council should first explore more options to raise more revenue from water than rush into introducing a project which they have not fully tested and evaluated rather prepaid metres should be installed on industrial areas which consume more water,” said Chivasa.

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He also condemned the system saying that it will only benefit a few people.

“There is no transparency as to who will acquire the tender to supply the prepaid water metres. It’s obvious this will benefit only a few people and the top guys at the city council,” he said.

He also blasted MDC-T councilor for betraying the struggle.

“The people who are pushing for the installation of prepaid water metres are the same people we voted in power. Look at the city council it is dominated by MDC-T councilors, so who is advocating for the prepaid water system? queried Chivasa.

Douglas Mwonzora, the spokesperson of the Tsvangirai led Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) refuted the above sentiments.

“Chombo is in control of the city council, he has the power to dismiss councilors as he did to MDC-T councilors who were being effective” said Mwonzora.

Mwonzora said the only way to get Zimbabwe working is to get rid of people responsible for the country’s misery.

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Journalist based in Harare

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