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HomeNewsZanu PF Chides Trump Over US Elections

Zanu PF Chides Trump Over US Elections

The ruling Zanu PF has hit out at the outgoing United States of America (USA) President Donald Trump over his reaction to the just ended Presidential Elections saying it exposes the US’ double standards in enforcing democratic principles which it cannot meet itself.

The Trump campaign team has dismissed the election results so far, saying, the election is far from over. President Trump is facing increasing pressure to concede the election.

In weekly media briefing at the party headquarters, acting spokesperson, Patrick Chinamasa said the outgoing administration behaved as if they are the headmaster’s of democracy.

“The US administration of Donald Trump through its diplomat here in Zimbabwe has behaved as if it is the headmaster of democratic societies who lied to his home country that our elections were not announced timeously causing the events of 1st August 2018 where hooligans unleashed unprovoked terror and violence in the city centre supposedly demanding the release of election results barely 24 hours after voting,” said Chinamasa

He said the US elections had turned into a circus following allegations of fraud by the outgoing administration.

“Results in the USA have by all standard turned into a circus from allegations of vote fraud to unbridled counts leading to a weeklong stalemate before election results will be announced despite there being a clear winner Mr. Joe Biden.

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“To add salt to injury the incumbent….outgoing President Donald Trump famed for calling all Africans as a**holes has refused flatly to recognise the election outcome vowing to remain President this undemocratic agenda has found favour in his Secretary of State and Chief diplomat Mike Pompeo who has laughably vowed that there is going to be a transition to a second Trump administration.” he said

Chinamasa says the Trump administration has proved to be a threat to democracy and was surprised that international organisations were silent on the unfolding events in the US.

“The Trump administration has proved to be a threat to democracy and a global superpower and must be stopped. In all the foregoing we are however surprised by the silence of the United Nations, European Union and their allies who have sought to prefect us on our electoral processes.

“This silence is unquestionable, unexplainable, unjustifiable and unfair and cunning at a time the US has been mired by violence between Trump’s hooligans and Biden supporters. Our heart pours out to black Americans who have been on the receiving end.” Chinamasa said


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