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‘Zanu PF Has A DNA Of Violence’

Incidents of violence that erupted at a Zanu-PF Bulawayo provincial meeting on Sunday when rival groups clashed during a provincial co-coordinating committee (PCC) meeting reveal the level of intolerance in the ruling party, opposition parties have said.

The violent scuffle in Bulawayo saw provincial youth league Chairperson Anna Mokgohloa assaulted by alleged war veterans while Bulawayo Central District chairperson Magura Charumbira was reportedly stabbed in the head and face.

National People’s Party Spokesperson, Jacob Mafume believes violence is part of Zanu PF’s DNA.

“The actions shows that ZANU has a DNA of violence and the resort to violence at the slightest degree of irritation,” said Mafume.

Spokesperson of the Tsvangirai led Movement for Democratic Change, (MDC-T), Obert Gutu said intra party violence in Zanu PF is not surprising as it is part of the party’s ways of operation.

“Zanu is and has always been a violent political party. We are not surprised by the intra-party violence that took place in Bulawayo at the weekend.

“Violence is part and parcel of Zanu’s DNA  and we wonder if they are this violent to themselves, then you can imagine  how violent they can be to other competing political parties?” said Gutu.

Factionalism in Zanu PF has resulted in increased intra-party violence with rival camps G40 and Lacoste fighting to position themselves for a potential takeover from President Robert Mugabe. Early this year, rival Zanu PF youths groups engaged in running battles battering each other over a decision to dissolve the provincial executive.

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Journalist based in Harare

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