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HomePoliticsZanu PF’s Politburo Will Endorse Primary Election Results- Bimha

Zanu PF’s Politburo Will Endorse Primary Election Results- Bimha

The ruling Zanu PF party says preliminary results for the recently held primary election are subject to approval by the Politburo, party national political Commissar Mike Bimha has said.

Zanu PF held its primary elections over the weekend to select party candidates for the forthcoming harmonized elections expected between July and August with quite a number of big wigs losing.

Addressing journalists at the party headquarters in Harare on Monday, Bimha said a special committee will meet tomorrow to consider complaints pending investigations.

“The official results of the primary elections are announced by the National Command Centre.  We need to verify the results as thorough as we can. These results are preliminary in the sense that they are still subject to endorsement of the Politburo and once the Politburo meets and endorse the results, these results will become final and the announcement will be made accordingly.

After the elections there are a number of people who feel aggrieved by the way the elections were conducted or the way they appear the other contenders behaved and therefore we allow them to lodge complaints and this has been happening.  We have received complaints from yesterday, today and the ad-hoc special tribunal will be meeting tomorrow to consider these complaints.

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“Obviously some of the outcomes of these complaints will affect the results and therefore which also underlines the fact that these results are still preliminary because there could be changes as a result of investigations to these complaints. There could also be changes as a result of some verification that is continuously taking place and also from the reports that we get from the Provinces,” said Bimha

He said the party was thrilled by the number of people who turned out to vote and also the zeal of youths who want to take positions in local authorities and Parliament.

“The elections were generally peaceful but obviously like any election you have issues were people get concerned about this and that but that is expected and we are very excited by the number of people who came to cast their votes and also the coming on board of a number of new faces particularly young people who want to be considered for positions in the party in terms of Parliamentary representation as well as local authority representation.” he said.

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