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HomeGuest columnistZim Politics: Anti-Climax Wrapped in Climax Linen

Zim Politics: Anti-Climax Wrapped in Climax Linen


Revolutionary greetings dear comrades. The Zimbabwean politics had reached what others called political climax. However, what is worrying is that this climax reached its culmination at its commencement. It was short lived, as many are now questioning the authenticity of the climax.

Was it a real climax? I submit that it was not a political climax, but rather it was anti-climax wrapped in climax linen.

It was pseudo climax orchestrated to make the masses believe democratic change was near. The coup, the use of the masses to legitimise a coup, Mnangagwa’s rushed inauguration and the swearing in of his old horses in his new cabinet was indeed anti-climax of the Zimbabwean politics.

These are events not worth a sane soul’s celebration. They are events that mark a mere change of personalities at the helm of Zimbabwean politics and a continuation of Mugabeism. The naked reality is the fact that it was a Zanu Pf melodrama for its re-alignment. It was melodrama meant to wrestle political hegemony from Mugabe, it had nothing to do with the concerns of the people, but everything to do with Zanu Pf.

The masses and the opposition were used as extras in this drama to sanitize its evilness. Mnangagwa’s cabinet confirms that.  His cabinet is deficient of young blood and far from being gender sensitive. The masses and opposition were hoping for a cabinet that was inclusive in nature, a sign that Mnangagwa was willing to forgive and venture into collective rejuvenation of the country’s ailing economy.

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What is even worrying is his sharp vengeful passion reflected in his move to terrorise the G40 cabal. It is worrying but not surprising because violence and shedding of blood is in his DNA. A crocodile has insatiable appetite for blood.

Zanu Pf announced that all the members who were fired from the party from 2014 must come back and serve the party. In a way all those suspensions and dismissals were declared null and void. Interesting is the assumption that if Cde Joyce Mujuru decided to return to Zanu Pf, she was going to assume her Vice Pesident position. One wonders where Mnangagwa’s position was going to be since he replaced Cde Joice Mujuru. It is Mnangagwa who engineered the dismissal of Mujuru from Zanu Pf. It is also public knowledge that he celebrated her demise because it meant his elevation to Vice President position. The same axe chopped him from Zanu Pf.

Mnangagwa’s love for power and money led to the soft coup. A coup whether soft or hard core, is a coup and is undemocratic. Cde Joice Mujuru when she was dismissed from the party remained cool, calm and collected- qualities of a seasoned politician.

Cde Joice Mujuru has found a safe political home in NPP. She wholly subscribes to democracy, its ethos and values. Thus she did not find that in Zanu Pf- the demonic church of Baal, but found that and more in NPP. I therefore un-apologetically dismiss the rumors that she was approached by Mnangagwa to propose her come back. I refute that claim as a naked lie, Cde Mujuru does not subscribe to “pengaudzoke”

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Cde Joice Mujuru is therefore going nowhere. She will live and die in her new political home. Zanu Pf politics of lies will never dismember us nor destroy NPP, but will fuel us to soldier on.

NPP remains unshaken by Zanu Pf and its lies. As NPP youth, we are wholly behind Cde Joice Mujuru, both in the cloudy and sunny days. Lizards and grasshoppers shall never make us lose focus.

Victory is certain comrades, alutta continua.

Khulani David Ndhlovu is the National People’s Party (NPP) National youth spokesperson and writes in his own capacity.

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