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HomeNewsZimbabwe People First Remembers Nkomo

Zimbabwe People First Remembers Nkomo

Zimbabwe People First (Zim PF), today joins the rest of the country in celebrating the life of a leader Zimbabweans have come to know as Father Zimbabwe.

Today, marks 17 years from the day Dr Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo Nkomo graduated into eternity. Dr Nkomo, was named Father Zimbabwe at a time when the nation was going through a volatile political time, the title was confirmation that he dwelt in the hearts and minds of many ordinary people.

In a statement Zim PF said, “We reflect on the values that he stood for, guiding principles that he espoused which he eloquently summed up as “peace, progress, love, respect, justice and equality” in that earth shuttering speech on the occasion of the burial of another great man who fought to liberate this country, Lookout Masuku.

“Yes, those words, that address, still have resonance with our situation today, as it was on that dark 12th day of April 1986.

“As you correctly observed that day, exactly 30 years ago, Father Zimbabwe, we are enveloped in the politics of hate. The amount of hate that is being preached today in this country is frightful, as you correctly observed then.

“Today as we reflect on your life, the journey you travelled and the peace, justice, love and equality you fought for, some of our supporters lie on sick-beds; pulverized and brutalized by the Mugabe regime you correctly observed in your memoirs, that “it has gone mad,” said Zim PF.

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The statement reiterated calls made by the late father Zimbabwe on the state of the economy.

“Father Zimbabwe, as you correctly observed on 12 April 1986, Our country cannot progress on fear and false accusations which are founded simply on the love of power.

“And as you said then, we reiterate your words today, that there is something radically wrong with our country and we are moving, fast, towards destruction.

“As it was true when you made that speech during the burial ceremony of Masuku, it is also evident now that “one of the worst evils we see today is corruption, ” reads part of the statement.

It added that, “Mugabe and his cronies have looted this country dry, impoverishing and pauperizing the majority while the coterie around him feast in luxurious hotels, sometimes in far-away countries.

“As you said then, we also observe it today that the country bleeds because of corruption.

“Mugabe cannot account for $15 billion, looted and squandered by those close to him, some his proxies. Surely the country bleeds, and the bleeding has led to dearth. It is a dearth of industries, the financial service sector, our morality, dignity, in fact, the death of everything Zimbabwean,” said Zim PF.

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