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HomeNewsZUPCO Introduces USD Fares

ZUPCO Introduces USD Fares


The Zimbabwe Passengers Company (ZUPCO) has reviewed fares for urban commuters while also introducing the United States dollar fares.

In a statement, ZUPCO announced that the new fares will take effect from 1 September 2022.

Passengers who use ZUPCO commuter omnibus (kombis) will now pay ZWL$400 up from ZWL$220 for distances up to 20 km.

For distances between 21 and 30 kilometres, passengers will now pay ZWL$550 from ZWL$260.

Those paying in United States dollars will have to fork out US$0.75  for short distances of up to 20 km and US$1.00 per trip for between 21 and 30km.

For those who use ZUPCO buses, the fares will be ZWL$300 or US$0.50, from ZWL$140 for distances up to 20km. ZWL$400 or US$0.75 from ZWL$180, for distances between 21 and 30km, and ZWL$500 or US$1.00 from ZWL$220 for distances 31-40 km.

The development has been met with sharp criticism as passengers alluded that the national transporter is now seeking wider profit margins, contrary to what it sought to achieve on reintroduction.

They argue that the US$0.75  charge is way above standard pricing where a majority of private motorists are charging US$0.50

“From 1 September 2022, a Zupco bus to town is going to be US$0.50, while a Zupco Kombie will be US$0.75 so expensive than the private players. The introduction of Zupco was for affordability and the government was subsidizing, now l wonder whether the subsidy is still there!” reacted Twitter user @Zymbrocacamios.

“Ngigada twice to work ($550+$400)×2=$1 900 I work 21 days per month $1 900×20=$39 900 My take home is $40 000, change $100 I have 2 kids abagadayo to school, ngilo helper, ngile rent, ngile zesa, ngile bcc, ngilabazali, ngilokudla, ngile stress. In comparison with salaries, these prices don’t make logical sense. Relatively,” @Mboemoyo85 added.
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