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HomePoliticsZanu PF Lacks Political Will to Deliver Free and Fair Polls: Chamisa

Zanu PF Lacks Political Will to Deliver Free and Fair Polls: Chamisa


Opposition Movement for Democratic Change, Nelson Chamisa has accused the ruling Zanu PF of lacking the political will to hold free and fair election citing delays in aligning key electoral laws with the constitution- a move he said will likely compromise the credibility of the much expected polls.

Speaking to the Carter Centre pre-election observer team currently in the country, Chamisa bemoaned the absence of comprehensive reforms which he said were key in ensuring free expression of the people in the next election.

“There is lack of political will to hold a truly free, fair and credible election,because the government is still to align key pieces of legislation to the Constitution.

“Among the laws still to be aligned to the Constitution are the Electoral Act, the Public Order Security act and the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. He said POSA and AIPPA proscribe the freedom of assembly, speech and movement which are recognized by the country’s Constitution,” said Chamisa.

He added that as a party they were eager to know the company that will be contracted to print ballot papers- a subject of contention in Zimbabwe following allegations of government hiring an Israeli company called Nikuv which is reportedly facilitated the rigging of 2013 polls.

ALSO ON 263Chat:  ZANU PF Scared: Chamisa

Chamisa demanded the inclusion of the opposition into the National Logistical Committee (NLC) which is responsible for the running of the elections.

Meanwhile, Alliance for People’s Agenda (APA) leader, Nkosana Moyo has also raised his party concerns towards general elections calling for transparency in the whole process which he said was being driven by military personnel in ZEC.

“There is need for more transparency within the government of Zimbabwe, in particular the viewing of the voters roll in time by independent stakeholders and the military in ZEC,” said Moyo who also met with the European Union exploratory team on the upcoming elections.


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Journalist based in Harare

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