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HomeNewsAccount for Abducted Activists, Magaya Tells Govt

Account for Abducted Activists, Magaya Tells Govt

Local church groups under the Zimbabwe Divine Destiny (ZDD) have called on the new government to account and openly disclose the whereabouts of victims of the macabre moment including pro-democracy campaigner, Itai Dzamara who disappeared in 2015, saying God stands ready to forgive perpetrators of human rights abuse and allow the nation to move forward.

Addressing journalists in the capital on Thursday, ZDD Executive Director Bishop Ancelimo Magaya urged President Emmerson Mnangagwa to open a new chapter for the country and stay away from Mugabe’s deeds.

“It is our fervent belief as the church of God that any nation or any new dispensation that wishes to turn a new leaf ought to start well by gaining trust through transparency and truth telling.

“It is therefore incumbent upon the new government to account and openly disclose the whereabouts of every victim of the macabre moment and bring closure to the disappearance of Itai Dzamara and others.

“The recent harassment cum arrest and alleged torture of youth’s activists who demonstrated on the Gukurahundi issue when President Mnangagwa visited Bulawayo,is the clearest indication that ZANU PF led government still struggles to adhere to constitutionalism.

“The youths were within their constitutional rights by showing their displeasure at such an occasion and this was non violent.

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“President Mnangagwa ought to be reminded that the nation is yearning for a departure from Mugabeism where repression and oppression were the order of the day and this is his litmus test,” said Magaya.

He urged the army to provide a well tabulated report on the operation restore legacy saying there have been unconfirmed reports of members held up in the army barracks or prisons.

“We acknowledged the fact that the army concluded their operation restore legacy by moving out and back to barracks however like any other operation would have expected a thorough and well tabulated report of the outcome of their exercise given that there have been unconfirmed reports of several members of different government security departments for example CIO and perhaps army could have been held up during the exercise in some army barracks or prison somewhere.

“How can we want to move forward when their blood if so is crying where are thy brothers and we dare not respond like Cain because everyone made in his image matters.

“How can we move forward when certain families are restless due to their loved one’s disappearances and the likes of Itai Dzamara and others are cases in point,” quizzed Magaya.

He added that telling the truth will help people to deal with the loss leading to forgiveness of the government and nation at large.

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