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HomePoliticsMotlanthe Commission Of Inquiry Report Out Next Week: Mnangagwa

Motlanthe Commission Of Inquiry Report Out Next Week: Mnangagwa


President Emmerson Mnangagwa has promised to make public by next week, the report of the Commission of Inquiry into 1st of August shootings.

Following post election violence that left six people dead after military personnel fired live ammunition on the rioters, Mnangagwa instituted a Commission of Inquiry headed by former South African President Kgalema Motlanthe.

Addressing Zanu PF party delegates today at their 17th National People’s Conference in Esigodhini Matebeleland South, Mnangagwa confirmed receiving the commission report.

He added that he together with his deputies are currently scrutinizing the report before giving it out to the public next week.
“After the elections there was violence and we condemn it. We will release the outcome of the report of the Commission of Inquiry next week,” he said.
There was an outcry a fortnight ago when the Presidential Spokesperson George Charamba said the commission’s findings will be for the President’s eyes alone.

Charamba’s remarks were met with wild resistance from the public who reminded Mnangagwa of his pledge to make the Commission report public.

The post-election violence erupted in Harare following the alleged opposition MDC supporters who seized the capital protesting against the delay of the release of the presidential election results by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).
The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) as the law enforcement agents failed to deal with the protesters who turned violent burning and vandalizing property including Zanu PF provincial offices.

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The witnesses who appeared before the Kgalema Motlanthe seven member commission during public hearings gave conflicting submissions with those aligned to Zanu PF confessing that they did not see the military shooting at civilians instead implicating the opposition youths wing going under the moniker vanguard as responsible for the killings of civilians.
The opposition in turn rubbished the allegations levelled against its youths wing saying the alleged military wing named Vanguard was disbanded in March this year.

The commission report is also expected to give recommendations for the country to move forward.

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