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HomeNewsAnother Legitimacy Crisis ‘Loading’: CSOs

Another Legitimacy Crisis ‘Loading’: CSOs


Civic Society Organisations (CSOs) under the banner of the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) have bemoaned the prevailing political environment ahead of this year’s harmonised elections saying it points to another legitimacy crisis.

In a statement following a CSOs Indaba that sought to interrogate the technical aspects of the 2023 general elections as well as the general political environment and implications on the credibility of the upcoming polls, CiZC said the country in not prepared for free and fair elections.

“The CSOs Indaba noted that issues relating to the technical aspects and the general political environment point to yet another flawed election that will certainly fail the credibility test and thus result in yet another legitimacy crisis in Zimbabwe. Events currently obtaining on the ground point to yet another bloody election in 2023 and Zimbabwe is not prepared for free, fair and credible polls. There is a deliberate attempt by the State to entrench authoritarianism and move towards a one party state.

“In light of the above-mentioned challenges, the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition shall continue with mobilization efforts at the grassroots level to empower citizens to demand free, fair and credible polls. This includes ensuring that citizens reject a flawed process with pre-determined outcomes. The Coalition shall intensify advocacy campaigns at the regional and international level and this also includes pushing for long-term observer missions ahead of the 2023 elections,” CiZC said

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The coalition expressed concern over the ZEC delimitation process which it said is fraught with irregularities and remains part of a broader scheme by the Commission to rig elections in favour of the ruling party, ZANU PF.

“ZEC remains captured and continues to work as an appendage of ZANU PF and this points out to discredited elections in 2023. In some areas of the country, there has been a deliberate attempt to frustrate potential voters and a huge number of citizens remain disenfranchised. Electoral reforms remain a pipe dream in Zimbabwe with the country’s elections failing to meet guidelines of the African Charter on Elections, Democracy and Governance,” the Coalition said.

CiZC said the country is yet to implement recommendations from previous Electoral Observer Missions including recommendations of the Motlanthe Commission of Inquiry relating to the conduct of credible elections and this points to yet another illegitimate election in 2023.

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