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HomeNews“I am the boss” Cup Divides Opinion

“I am the boss” Cup Divides Opinion

Acting President, Emerson Mnangagwa’s ‘I am the boss‘ cup continues to divide opinion in the country amid concerns that the party is paying a blind eye to pressing economic problems  in preference of factional fights over succession.

Mnangagwa was over the Christmas pictured with Zanu PF activist and businessman, Energy Mutodi, holding a cup inscribed ‘I am the boss’,  raising the ire of Higher and Tertiary Education Minister, Jonathan Moyo, who turned to Twitter to mock the acting President saying the inscription on the cup was “a power grab narrative.”

Norton constituency legislator and former Zanu PF politburo member, Temba Mliswa seemed to endorse Mnangagwa saying he deserves to drink from that cup, because he really is the boss.

“Mnanganwa is the boss of his own house and he should be allowed to drink from a mug of his own choice, and as vice President, he is the boss of his office and that did not mean anything.

“They need to respect his office, he is holding out and representing president Mugabe on an acting capacity and he has to be respected, but for ministers to be fighting over a mug shows lack of intellect and ability to solve the economic challenges that we are facing,” Mliswa said.

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Moyo, who has publicly expressed his dislike of Mnangagwa’s political ambitions, said it was wrong for the Acting President to parade himself while holding a cup with such words.

“When pictures not only tell more than a thousand words, but also deepen the power grab narrative!” Moyo claimed.

In response to Professor Jonathan Moyo’s attack on Mnangagwa, Mutodi who posted the pictures on his Facebook page said the Tsholotsho legislator was confused and bend on discrediting the acting President as the heir apparent to Mugabe.

“Higher and Tertiary Education Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo has proven to the whole nation that he is as confused as a bee trying to nectar from the sun after he described Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s cup as treasonous simply because it has “I AM THE BOSS” words written on it.

“After noticing the Vice President having drinks with friends at his house on social media, Moyo, desperate to discredit Mnangagwa as heir apparent to Mugabe, took to twitter where he hauled insults at the Vice President, claiming Mnangagwa was already declaring himself president by drinking from such a cup,” said Mutodi.

Meanwhile, in an telephone interview with People’s Democratic Party’s spokesperson, Jacob Mafume, he said, “Storm in a mug tea comes to mind, that with all the troubles that the country is in our rulers have time to fuss about what written on a mug is phenomenal.

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“It is a conflict that is big in their small heads. The whole country is worried about jobs and salaries and not the size or what is written on the mug,” said Mafume.


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Journalist based in Harare

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