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HomeNewsChild Abuse Cases Worry Girl Child Movement

Child Abuse Cases Worry Girl Child Movement

Girls’ rights movement, Shamwari Yemwanasikana has advised parents and guardians to protect children’s rights following an increase in the cases of child abuse that have recently been circulating on social media.

In a statement, Shamwari Yemwanasikana expressed concern over the safety of children during the COVID-19 induced lockdown period.

“Following three recent child abuse cases that we have come across on social media, one of which being a four-year-old infant who was being assaulted by the mother because she was having problems with the father, another one being a man who allegedly bashed his son to death after accusing him of stealing US$10 and the third one being of a Matabeleland North man who allegedly assaulted a minor and infected her with an STI.

“As a collective body making strides towards putting to an end all forms of abuse against children, we are deeply concerned about the welfare of children which remains to be an issue especially owing to the extended lockdown period as well as poverty which is also a strong factor behind violation of children’s rights in many circumstances.” read the statement

Shamwari Yemwanasikana said it does not tolerate whatever form of abuse on the girl child.

“As the Girls Rights Movement we do not condone abuse against children in whatever form and for whatever reasons. We stand against child abuse inflicted on minors in any form, verbal, neglect, and psychological, sexual as well as physical abuse.

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“We stand against lashing out on minors and venting out negative energy on them as they happen to be a weaker and less harmful stimulus by reasons of age We stand against using brutal measures in the form of punishing children for misbehaving and bad conduct. We always encourage the use of negative reinforcement so as to discourage bad behaviour in children. Child Abuse of any form has dire effects on child development and will consequently affect one’s adulthood as well.”

The movement said at national level the country has a progressive Constitution epitomized by Section 81 which is a Bill of Rights and the Children’s Act chapter therefore children have rights too.

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