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HomeCourtsCop up for criminal abuse of office

Cop up for criminal abuse of office


A Glennorah based constabulary together with his accomplice  appeared in court today charged with criminal abuse of duty after demanding a $10 bribe from a commuter omnibus driver who was ferrying passengers at an undesignated point.

Fredlie Toto Makaradhi (26) of 635 Glennorah A, Harare, was arrested on 21 March 2016  for criminal abuse of duty in section 174  of the criminal law ( Codification and reform)  Act Chapter 9:23.

The court heard that on the 10th of March  around 17 00 hours the accused person  and his accomplice who is remanded out of custody on CRB4404/16 approached the informant, Creaven Nyamutaka, who was driving  a commuter Omnibus with registration figures ADC 7497  at corner South Avenue  and Orr street, Harare.

According to state papers, the two accused persons were in civilian attire and were not on duty.

“The two accused persons identified themselves as police officers and advised the informant that he was under arrest for picking passengers  at an undesignated place,”reads the state papers.

The accused person told the informant to drive to Harare Central police station where the commuter omnibus was to be impounded. Along the way the accused person demanded $10 in in the following denominations US$5 , US$2 and 3 $1.

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However, the informant alerted the constable Masuka of Matapi Police station who in turn advised members of the provincial Anti-Corruption team leading to his arrest

Makaradhi was remanded to 24 March 21, 2016.

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Journalist based in Harare

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