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HomeEntertainmentDomboramwari Methodist Unveils 7th project

Domboramwari Methodist Unveils 7th project

Balancing rocks have been a permanent feature of Zimbabwean history to the extent of making it onto the Zimbabwean banknotes.

By Edward Makuzva

And to help revive the significance of the rocks is an album and DVD titled “Ndiri paBetesda” by Epworth-based accappella gospel music outfit, Domboramwari Methodist Revival Gospel Choir.

Although they have been in the music scene for years, having released six albums that held their own, their latest project has gone an extra mile by deriving from image and motif of the balancing rocks and marring it with the Bible.

The seven-track album is a story of the journey that people are currently experiencing in life.

The title track, “Ndiri Pabetesaida” addresses the issues of how God can solve the challenges of anxiety and stress under challenging times as was with the situation with the cripple who always wallowed on the fringes of Bethsaida waiting for deliverance to come his way.

The vocal prowess of the group members ups the gear on the track “Dombo Rakare” on which they exhort people to repent and follow the ways of the Lord.

If ever there is a direct question that people ought to face, then it is, “What shall be your fate after you have wined, dined sunned on this earth?”

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“The song “Muchaveiko?” poses that crucial question and in it, the singers provoke the listener to probe deeper into his or her self.

“Munavanhu Venyu Mwari”, “Jerusalem”, Tirivadzani” and “Pedyo” further hammer the message home.

The group started in 2005 when they released their debut “Mira Segamba”, which was followed by “Tiza Kuparara in 2006.

They took it up with “Mukadzi Mutorwa” in 2007, while “Mweya Warasika” followed in 2009. “Dungamunhu” and “Vatendi Tadurungunda” are also part of the catalogue that come after their latest offering, “Ndiri pa Bethesda”.

‘’We are hired on church weddings, crusades and other events. We believe that church members and the public should support the church especially its products who are making an initiative to raise funds for the house of God’’, Chibata added.

‘’ I’m grateful that with God’s hand we have managed to complete our seven albums which took almost ten years now from 2005.

‘’We appreciate all kinds of donations as we want to raise money for the PA system that’s our main challenge’’, said Chibata.

The leader added it was not easy being leader, and urging people to be resilient in the face of insurmountable odds to achieve their dreams.

He said the seven track album includes songs Ndiri pa Bethesda, Dombo rakare, Muchaveiko, Munavanhu venyumwari, Jerusalem, Tirivadzani and Pedyo.

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